Paint for Sunset(夕繪)

IF Memory can be paint……..

一幅夕陽的畫面,難分是 「日出」 還是 「日落」。 這也讓我不得不想起 “Sunrise, Sunset” 的經典歌曲—人生短暫猶如日出日落,萬物循環瞬息交替,再美好的時間終成為過往,留存成記憶…。

A picturesque scene of a sunset, difficult to distinguish whether it is a “sunrise” or a “sunset.” It also reminds me of the classic song “Sunrise, Sunset” – life is fleeting like the rise and fall of the sun, with everything in constant cycles of fleeting moments. Even the most beautiful times eventually become memories of the past, cherished and preserved.