
委託單位乃教育機構,故設計寓意希望能具鼓勵和勉勵的意含。此設計發想,乃源自一部電影(The legend of 1900_海上鋼琴師)_藉由88個有限琴鍵替自己創造無限人生樂曲。

The commissioning organization is an educational institution, hence the design is intended to embody encouragement and inspiration. The design concept was inspired by the movie “The Legend of 1900,” where the protagonist creates infinite melodies using only 88 limited piano keys, symbolizing the boundless possibilities in one’s life.


The front-end design aims to capture the changes and duration of outdoor sunlight. It utilizes a framework constructed with white iron elements and wood, intertwining to form a structure. The shadows cast by this structure project piano keys onto the original plastered wall. The design also incorporates a narrow open space to create a visual illusion of a virtual tunnel, combining the physical framework with the projected shadows for a captivating visual experience.